May 20, 2007

I know, long time no hear but I and my daughters have been enjoying a very new kind of life and we are just about starting to settle into some routines!!!!!

We are all very very well, I really hope i can say the same for you lot.

I am pleased to say that I am holding the annual 'GRACE MAD BASH' after Nicola and James are married in the morning.....ALL are welcome from whenever till whenever, ( I have been asked very nicely by Larry if i could avoid allowing my guests to become paraletic before the evening do!!!) He having a larf????

I do need to speak to Barney at some point but I dont have a phone number...any offers??

If anyone needs anything, like pillows etc...just ask Larry.....Im sure he could cope!!!!!

Much love to all

Little Deb xxx

May 12, 2007

In honour of Steph working at Aardman, I thought we'd have a little bit of animation (literally and figuratively) on the site. Nothing like a ridiculous bit of stop frame animation to break the silence.

Try to imagine what these geeks said to passers-by who asked them what they were up to... And the cuddly toys they've chosen are so expressive, especially the one playing Spacey.


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