October 26, 2006

Following in the footsteps of my workshy brother i have quit my job to work full time on my new musical venture...and by that i mean the record i've just made not the plans to put "Tourette's: The fucking! tittybiscuits? musical" on in the west end! (which i will one day!)So in the meantime i would be gratefull for any info or contacts you might have that will prove useful in getting management, promoting the record, radio airplay, press coverage, and record company interest!I know that most of you dont have these contacts exactly falling out yer arses but if you put your collective minds to it i'm sure you could all help me think up some more leads than i have right now! so put your thinkin' caps on and get me thier details?Also for those of you that haven't got hold of the record yet i am very close to getting the website paypal thing together so you can order it on http://www.sambraithwaite.com/ and i shall personally send it to you with a signed photo of myself, greased up in cowboy boots with various fruits to cover my dignity! If you dont but the album i shall send you two pictures every week to your work address!!It will also be available on itunes as of beggining of December so keep checking and download it from there if you so chose! Thanks for all your support of late but keep it coming because..in the words of the late Mary Carpenter of The Carpenters...."weve only just begun!.....................no thanks!...i dont want any biscuits.....no really....i'm not even hungry!"keep visiting the myspace site (www.myspace.com/sambraithwaite/) for latest info and to look at my increasinly impressive list of friends......Thanks family people, keep on rockin'..............Love sammy xx


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